Thursday, August 8, 2013

Cube World Server Woes

As hinted at in previous posts we've been having some issues running our own Cube World server.

We started playing about 4 days ago with me running the server on the system I play on, and port forwarding set up so Elena could connect. It took some fiddling, and the eventual complete shutting down of Windows Firewall, but we got there. And played for hours.

It really is a heck of a fun game :-)

Only then the next night we started experiencing some troubles. In particular, at some point after successfully connecting and playing, it would seem as though we would become partially disconnected from the world. I, running the server, would see Elena stop moving. I wouldn't be able to interact with anything (pick anything up, open any doors, talk to anyone or shoot anything) but I was able to wander around and explore new map segments. Elena would see me disappear from the world but otherwise continue playing the game as though nothing had happened, including fighting things (though strange glitches would happen like her being hurt by things she couldn't see) and picking things up.

Very odd.

To make matters worse, I experimented with playing by myself on the server, and found the same thing still happened.

There are multiple threads on about this issue. Suggested solutions will be tried to see if they have any impact:
  1. Run Windows Update,
  2. Turn off anti-aliasing,
  3. Reduce draw distance, and
  4. Run the game (and possibly server) as administrator. 
I don't expect any of these to actually work (well, maybe Windows Update but I'm usually pretty up to date), but I guess they're worth a try. I'm also going to scour my computer for anything that might be messing with networking (say, some antivirus crapware installed without my knowledge that's trying to run a firewall alongside Windows Firewall...)

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